The first was a card from Sam's parents. They've written, "We hope that life is looking a little brighter for you". I cried a bit when I read that, because they've been like parents to me in place of my real ones, and I've not got a card from my real parents. Mind, my real parents do support me financially, but I guess it's nice once in a while to actually get a card from them.
Next is a present from Sam himself. Sam's one of my bestest friends, although I've not come out to him because he's a Christian, and Christians hate people like me. Anyway, he gave me two tickets to the Hallé which is brilliant. This particular concert features Howard Shelley and I think I might have heard of him which is always a good sign. Sam's also spent quite a lot of money on these tickets because the value was printed on the tickets—like I've mentioned, he's one of my bestest friends!
Then I got a surprise gift from Andrew from Twitter. Now I must add that I've not even met Andrew, yet he's willing to spend money on me and send me a gift (which I've listed on my Amazon gift list and linked it to Twitter. I've linked it as a joke and hadn't really expected anyone to fulfill my wants on my list!). I am genuinely touch, so thank you, Andrew.
In this gift, which is a book called "How to make {almost} everything", there is a section titled "how to break through your own glass ceiling" and I think this section is very apt for me and I shall read it very carefully.
And on this day which is also St George's Day (the significance is not lost on me as I live at St George's Island) and also Shakespeare's birthday and deathday I decided to try and complete a job application. Obviously it did not go well or I would have written about it here. This endeavour, however, was interrupted by a call from my grandmother and she wished me happy birthday and I miss her a lot. My mum came on the phone after that and just said, "happy birthday" and hung up without saying anything else. I felt like crying.
Anyway I forget all this and had flat viewings. This is where it got interesting because the estate agent was a really fit blond guy and I definitely felt some sort of tension between us. He "accidentally" brushed and held my hand whilst reading a brochure which I was holding at that time. I had visions of me pushing him onto the bed and shagging him in those flats, but I restrained myself and decided to be a good boy for once.
Then it was time for the gym where I did triceps. I like doing triceps because you can get away with using just one machine for it, and on this occasion, the machine of choice is the cable machine.
And at night a couple of good friends and I went for dinner at Carluccio's, a decent Italian restaurant.
- I had Risotto pollo con limone
- Sherv and Jess had Pasta with Aubergine and Mozzarella
- Kerry and Tim had Pasta with Sausage Meat Sauce
- Monica had Lasagna
- Liv had the Penne Giardiniera
- I forgot what Michael had, but I suppose it doesn't matter
The eight of us had a jolly old time, and I had a birthday cake (chocolate, I ate 1/8th) and I was given a packet of Thornton's chocolates (bye bye abs), a block of duck fois gras (yay) and a bottle of M&S 2006 Lurton La Chapelle. Though the wine was from M&S and seems very middle class, I shall not fault them because I suppose it was given with the best of intentions and not everyone knows how to shop at Nicolas for good French wines.
And when I returned I made a mental note not to give the Stupid Flatmate birthday presents next year because I did give him a bottle of 2005 Bordeaux and bought him a nice birthday card which cost me £2 but he's not even wished me a happy birthday.
Tired from the day's adventures, I take 2 sleeping pills and fall into a nice long sleep.
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